how to create a burndown chart in excel

How to Create a Burndown Chart in Excel

A burndown chart is a valuable tool in project management, particularly in agile methodologies. It visually represents the work completed versus the work remaining over time, helping teams monitor their progress and stay on track. In this ultimate guide, we will walk you through the steps to create a burndown chart in Excel, making your project management more efficient.

Why Use a Burndown Chart?

A burndown chart offers several benefits:

  • Tracks project progress in real-time.
  • Helps identify potential delays and bottlenecks.
  • Improves team accountability and transparency.
  • Facilitates better planning and forecasting.

Steps to Create a Burndown Chart in Excel

1. Set Up Your Excel Worksheet

Start by opening a new Excel workbook. This will serve as the foundation for your burndown chart.

2. Define Your Data

To create a burndown chart, you need to define the following data:

  • Dates: The timeline for your project (e.g., days or sprints).
  • Tasks: The total number of tasks or story points for the project.
  • Remaining Work: The amount of work remaining at the end of each time period.

3. Create the Data Table

Set up your data table with columns for dates, total tasks, and remaining work:

  1. In column A, list the dates or sprints.
  2. In column B, enter the total number of tasks for the project (this will be the same for each row).
  3. In column C, enter the remaining work for each date or sprint.

4. Insert a Line Chart

To visualize your data:

  1. Select the data range for dates, total tasks, and remaining work.
  2. Go to the Insert tab and choose Line Chart.
  3. Customize the chart by adding titles, labels, and adjusting the color scheme.

5. Format the Burndown Chart

To enhance the readability of your burndown chart:

  1. Click on the chart to select it.
  2. Use the Chart Tools to format the chart elements (e.g., axes, legend, gridlines).
  3. Add data labels to show the exact values of the remaining work.

6. Add a Trendline

To better visualize the progress and forecast the project completion:

  1. Click on the data series for remaining work.
  2. Go to the Chart Tools and select Add Trendline.
  3. Choose a linear trendline to show the rate of progress.

Advanced Features for Your Burndown Chart

1. Conditional Formatting

Use conditional formatting to highlight critical milestones and potential delays:

  1. Select the data range for remaining work.
  2. Go to the Home tab and click Conditional Formatting.
  3. Set rules to apply different formatting styles based on the data values.

2. Customizing the Chart with VBA

Enhance your burndown chart with VBA to automate updates and add custom features:

  1. Press Alt + F11 to open the VBA editor.
  2. Insert a new module and write VBA code to customize the chart’s behavior.
  3. Examples include auto-updating the chart with new data, highlighting critical points, and generating reports.

3. Integrating with Other Project Management Tools

Integrate your Excel burndown chart with other project management tools for better data synchronization:

  • Use Excel’s data import and export features to connect with tools like Microsoft Project, JIRA, or Trello.
  • Automate data updates using Power Query or VBA scripts.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Data Not Updating Correctly

Ensure that the data validation rules are correctly applied and that the data range is properly defined.

Chart Not Displaying Correct Data

Check that the correct data range is selected and that the chart is formatted correctly.

Trendline Not Showing Accurate Forecast

Ensure that the trendline is based on the correct data series and that the data is accurately entered.


Q: Can I use this burndown chart for different types of projects?

A: Yes, you can customize the chart to suit various project management needs by adjusting the data range and formatting options.

Q: How do I share my Excel burndown chart with others?

A: You can share the Excel file with others, and they can view and interact with the chart as long as they have Excel installed.

Q: Can I automate the updates for my burndown chart?

A: Yes, you can use VBA macros to automate data updates and enhance the functionality of your burndown chart.

Q: How do I print my burndown chart?

A: To print the chart, go to the File tab and select Print. You can adjust the print settings to ensure the chart fits on a single page.

Q: Can I use this chart on Excel Online?

A: The chart feature is available in Excel Online, but some advanced features, such as VBA, are only available in the desktop version of Excel.


Creating a burndown chart in Excel is a valuable skill that can enhance your project management processes and improve efficiency. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create a customized burndown chart that suits your specific needs.

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