how to create a progress bar in excel

How to Create a Progress Bar in Excel

Microsoft Excel is a versatile tool that allows users to manage data, perform complex calculations, and create visually appealing reports. One of the lesser-known features you can add to your Excel spreadsheets is a progress bar. Progress bars are a great way to visualize the progress of tasks, projects, or any other measurable activity. In this guide, we'll show you how to create a progress bar in Excel, enhancing your spreadsheets and making them more interactive and informative.

Why Use Progress Bars in Excel?

Progress bars provide a visual representation of progress towards a goal, making it easier to track and understand data at a glance. They can be used in various scenarios, such as:

  • Project Management: Track the completion of tasks and milestones.
  • Sales Targets: Visualize progress towards sales goals.
  • Personal Goals: Monitor progress on fitness, reading, or other personal projects.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Progress Bar in Excel

Step 1: Prepare Your Data

Before creating a progress bar, you need to have your data ready. For this tutorial, we'll use a simple example where we track the completion percentage of a project.

  1. Create a Table: Start by creating a table with the following columns: Task, Completion Percentage.
  2. Enter Data: Populate the table with your tasks and their respective completion percentages. Ensure the completion percentages are in decimal format (e.g., 0.5 for 50%).
Task Completion Percentage
Task 1 0.2
Task 2 0.5
Task 3 0.8
Task 4 1.0

Step 2: Insert a New Column for the Progress Bar

Next, insert a new column where the progress bars will be displayed.

  1. Add a Column: Insert a new column to the right of the "Completion Percentage" column and name it "Progress Bar."

Step 3: Use Conditional Formatting to Create the Progress Bar

  1. Select the Cells: Highlight the cells in the "Progress Bar" column where you want the progress bars to appear.
  2. Open Conditional Formatting: Go to the Home tab, click on "Conditional Formatting," and select "New Rule."
  3. Choose Rule Type: In the "New Formatting Rule" dialog box, select "Format all cells based on their values."
  4. Set Rule Details:
    • Format Style: Choose "Data Bar."
    • Minimum: Set to 0 (percent).
    • Maximum: Set to 100 (percent).
    • Bar Appearance: Customize the color and appearance of the data bars to your preference.
  5. Apply the Rule: Click "OK" to apply the conditional formatting rule.

Step 4: Link the Progress Bar to Completion Percentage

To ensure the progress bar reflects the completion percentage, you need to set up a formula that links the progress bar to the data.

  1. Enter Formula: In the first cell of the "Progress Bar" column (e.g., C2), enter the formula to link to the completion percentage cell (e.g., =B2).
  2. Copy Formula: Drag the fill handle down to copy the formula to the rest of the cells in the "Progress Bar" column.

Step 5: Format the Progress Bar for Better Visualization

  1. Adjust Cell Width: Widen the "Progress Bar" column to make the progress bars more visible.
  2. Hide Numbers: To hide the numbers in the progress bar column, you can set the font color to match the background color.

Advanced Techniques for Custom Progress Bars

Use Different Colors for Different Progress Levels

You can make your progress bars even more informative by using different colors for different levels of completion.

  1. Add Multiple Rules: Use conditional formatting to create multiple rules for different completion ranges (e.g., 0-25%, 26-50%, 51-75%, 76-100%).
  2. Set Different Colors: Assign different colors to each range to visually distinguish between levels of progress.

Combine Progress Bars with Icons

To enhance the visual appeal and functionality, combine progress bars with icon sets.

  1. Add Icon Sets: Use conditional formatting to add icon sets that indicate progress levels (e.g., check marks, flags).
  2. Combine with Data Bars: Apply both data bars and icon sets to the same cells for a richer visual representation.

Use Custom Images for Progress Bars

For a more customized look, use images as progress bars.

  1. Insert Images: Insert custom images (e.g., colored bars) that represent different levels of progress.
  2. Overlay Images: Use the "Format Picture" options to overlay images on top of cells, ensuring they scale with the completion percentage.

Implementing Progress Bars in a Sales Dashboard

Let's see how you can use progress bars in a sales dashboard to track progress towards sales targets.

  1. Create a Sales Data Table: Include columns for Salesperson, Target Sales, Actual Sales, and Completion Percentage.
  2. Calculate Completion Percentage: Use a formula to calculate the completion percentage (e.g., =Actual Sales / Target Sales).
  3. Insert Progress Bars: Follow the steps above to add progress bars to the Completion Percentage column.
  4. Customize Dashboard: Add charts, slicers, and other interactive elements to create a comprehensive sales management dashboard.

Automate Progress Tracking with VBA

For advanced users, automating progress tracking with VBA can save time and reduce manual updates.

  1. Open VBA Editor: Press Alt + F11 to open the VBA editor.
  2. Create a Macro: Write a macro that updates progress bars based on the latest data.
  3. Run the Macro: Set the macro to run automatically or trigger it with a button.

Use Sparklines for Compact Progress Bars

Sparklines are tiny charts within cells that can be used to create compact progress bars.

  1. Insert Sparklines: Select the cells for the sparklines, go to Insert > Sparklines, and choose the type (e.g., Line, Column).
  2. Link to Data: Link the sparklines to the completion percentage data.
  3. Customize Sparklines: Adjust the style and color of the sparklines for better visualization.

Create Progress Bars with Excel Add-Ins

Several Excel add-ins can help you create and customize progress bars more easily.

  1. Explore Add-Ins: Search for Excel add-ins that offer advanced progress bar features.
  2. Install Add-Ins: Install and configure the add-ins to enhance your progress bars.
  3. Use Pre-Built Templates: Many add-ins come with pre-built templates that you can use to quickly set up progress bars.

Practical Example: Creating a Project Management Dashboard with Progress Bars

  1. Set Up Project Data: Include columns for Task, Start Date, End Date, Completion Percentage, and Status.
  2. Calculate Completion Percentage: Use a formula to calculate the percentage of each task completed.
  3. Insert Progress Bars: Follow the steps above to add progress bars to the Completion Percentage column.
  4. Add Gantt Chart: Combine progress bars with a Gantt chart to visualize project timelines.
  5. Customize Dashboard: Add conditional formatting, slicers, and charts to create an interactive project management dashboard.


Creating a progress bar in Excel is a simple yet powerful way to visualize progress and track data effectively. By following this step-by-step guide, you can enhance your spreadsheets, making them more informative and visually appealing. Whether you're managing projects, tracking sales targets, or monitoring personal goals, progress bars can help you communicate progress clearly and efficiently.

For more advanced and professionally designed Excel templates, visit Excel Templates for Business.


How do I create a progress bar in Excel?

To create a progress bar in Excel, you can use conditional formatting to format cells based on their values, representing progress with data bars.

Can I use different colors for progress bars in Excel?

Yes, you can use different colors for progress bars by setting up multiple conditional formatting rules for different ranges of completion percentages.

How do I link a progress bar to a specific cell?

You can link a progress bar to a specific cell by using a formula that references the cell containing the completion percentage.

Can I create custom progress bars in Excel?

Yes, you can create custom progress bars by using images, combining data bars with icon sets, or using VBA for advanced customization.

What are some advanced techniques for progress bars in Excel?

Advanced techniques include using different colors for different progress levels, combining progress bars with icons, implementing progress bars in dashboards, and automating progress tracking with VBA.

How can I make my Excel progress bars more interactive?

You can make your progress bars more interactive by adding elements like drop-down lists, checkboxes, slicers, and sparklines.

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How you create this images? AI technology?


Thank you for this tutorial, very helpful


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